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Skedco HMH Sked Rescue System with Strap Kit
$919.99 $680.95
Description Skedco HMH Sked Rescue System with Strap Kit The HMH Sked® is designed for use in mass casualty incidents or Haz-Mat incidents. Patients can be rolled or dragged onto...

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Skedco HMH Sked Strap Kit
$195.99 $144.95
Description Skedco HMH Sked Strap Kit The Sked Hazmat Strap Kit Sk-252 is available as the accessories. If you have lost one or more of the straps or the straps...

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Skedco HMH Sked Stretcher - Body Only, No Straps
$773.99 $572.95
Description Skedco HMH Sked Stretcher - Body Only, No Straps SPECIAL ORDER: DELIVERY IN 2-3 WEEKS HMD Sked body only without straps. Purchase as a replacement item. The HMH Sked®...

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Skedco Horizontal Lift Sling Set
$161.99 $119.95
Description Skedco Horizontal Lift Sling Set A pair of 9,000 lb. tensile strength slings provide for hoisting the Sked® stretcher with a helicopter or other haul system in a horizontal...

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Skedco Micro Double Pulley with becket
$129.99 $95.95
Description Skedco Micro Double Pulley with becket SPECIAL ORDER: DELIVERY IN 2-3 WEEKS Skedco Micro Double Pulley with Becket is the companion pulley to the Skedco Micro Hauler (SK710M) system....

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Skedco Micro Hauler - Double
$494.99 $365.95
Description Skedco Micro Hauler - Double SPECIAL ORDER: DELIVERY IN 2-3 WEEKS The Micro Hauler is a tiny but extremely strong and efficient version of the Rescue Hauler. MBS: 7,000lbf...

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Skedco Oregon Spine Splint
$673.99 $498.95
Description Skedco Oregon Spine Splint Oregon Spine Splint helps to safely remove patients from injury sites without doing further damage to the spine. Product Features: Can be re-configured to retract...

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Skedco Rapid Deployment Conversion Kit
$1,876.99 $1,389.95
Description Skedco Rapid Deployment Conversion Kit Skedco also offers a Rapid Deployment Conversion Kit which includes everything for rapid deployment except the stretcher, for those who already possess the Sked®...

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Skedco Rapid Deployment Flotation System - Orange
$3,670.99 $2,718.95
Description Skedco Rapid Deployment Flotation System - Orange This unique system features a Sked® Stretcher pre-rigged for extremely rapid deployment into the water. Using CO2 inflatable float logs, this system...

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Skedco Removable Webbing Handles (Set of 4)
$98.99 $72.95
Description Skedco Removable Webbing Handles (Set of 4) In addition to the four handles sewn permanently into the Sked® stretcher, four additional removable handles are provided to allow the Sked...

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Skedco Replacement Chest Pad
$332.99 $245.95
Description Skedco Replacement Chest Pad The chest pad attaches to the front of the packaged patient, not allowing the patient to float in a face down position. This chest pad...

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Skedco Replacement Ethafoam Float Logs
$437.99 $323.95
Description Skedco Replacement Ethafoam Float Logs 6” rigid ethafoam floats which mount on each side of the Sked® Stretcher and provide the ideal amount of buoyancy. Product Features: 6" rigid...
Showing 457 to 468 of 580 products