Placeholder How to Choose the Perfect Mobility Scooter for You

How to Choose the Perfect Mobility Scooter for You

01.02.2019 0 Maredith Damasco
How to Choose the Perfect Mobility Scooter for You

How to Choose the Perfect Mobility Scooter for You

If you haven’t looked into getting a mobility scooter before, it can be difficult knowing where to start.

The mobility scooter market is currently flooded with options, and trying to figure out which one is best for you can add to the stress of the process.

The good news is that with our guide, you won’t need to spend hours browsing aimlessly through different scooters. Instead, you’ll be able to ask pointed questions that can help you narrow down the best scooter from a selection of the industry’s finest. 

In order to get the scooter that’s perfect for you, it’s important you have a solid understanding of your personal situation. Because every situation is unique, what works for someone else may not be the best option for you. Don’t buy into blanket generalizations or promotional texts that sell you a mobility scooter without looking into your specific needs first.

Not sure where to start? Take a look at the following considerations below.


8 Easy Steps to Choosing Your Mobility Scooter 

1. How Far You Travel

How far you travel during the day is important in determining the most suitable scooter for you. You may find that you need something that will get you around for the long haul, whereas someone else might only want one to get out and check the mail. Did you know that the best mobility scooter for each situation is likely going to be different?

If you’ve got a heart itching to travel, you’ll want to start looking only at options that are designed for extended use. Comfort will also be a deciding factor in this situation. The more you plan to use your scooter, the more important it becomes.

2. How Much Power You Need

Just as important as the distance you travel is the kind of route you take. If you’re somewhere that you’ll constantly have to navigate curbs, turns, or small road bumps, you’ll likely want to invest in a mobility scooter that has a little extra juice. You don’t want to find yourself at an impasse because your scooter doesn’t have the power to make it over a hill or to make a sharp turn. If you’re not getting the level of mobility you need, it can be disheartening, so be sure to choose a mobility scooter that doesn’t limit you the first time.

3. Number of Wheels

Are you looking for a mobility scooter that has three or four wheels? If you’re not sure, consider this question: do you plan to use your scooter more indoors or outdoors? If you’re part of the former group, a three-wheel scooter is best for you. These are specifically designed for indoor use. The extra wheel on a four-wheel scooter, however, makes it better suited for outdoor excursions.

4. Ease of Use

A mobility scooter won’t be of much value to you if you don’t understand how to use it. If the brand that you’re using has difficult-to-use buttons and control features, it can be more frustrating than helpful. Find a brand that you feel comfortable using on a daily basis so that you can enjoy the mobility the scooter offers you.

5. Size

One of the most important considerations to make when you’re selecting a mobility scooter is the size. You’re going to want to make sure that you can comfortably fit on the scooter, including your legs and feet, so that you can travel in comfort.

Choosing a scooter that is too small can make it more difficult to travel, be uncomfortable on your body, and limit your overall mobility. Make sure that you’re choosing a brand that offers enough space for you to fit and travel comfortably so that you get the most out of your scooter. 

6. Health

Before choosing your mobility scooter, make sure that you’re healthy enough to use it. You may find that you’re better suited for a wheelchair. A mobility scooter can be a great option for those who are healthy enough to use them. No matter how good the brand, however, if you’re not fit enough to use a mobility scooter, you may be disappointed if you make an investment.

7. Transporting Your Scooter

If you’re going to travel somewhere else, will you be able to take your mobility scooter? Can it be disassembled for easier transporting? If not, will this cause undue burden on you and your loved ones as you plan your next trip? By choosing the best scooter that suits your lifestyle, you can make a purchase that leaves everyone satisfied.

8. Can it Fit Through Your Doorways

If you’re planning to use your mobility scooter indoors, it’s important that you make sure it can easily fit through your doorways and other access points. If your doorways are narrow, it’s going to be important that you’re getting a scooter that is both big enough for you to use comfortably while retaining functionality throughout your home. 




Top Mobility Scooter Brands

With an overwhelming number of options available on the market, it can be difficult in choosing the scooter that’s right for you.
Don’t be overwhelmed with the options available. Use the questions above to help you narrow down the right choice from some of the top brands listed below.


Enhance Mobility

Enhance Mobility’s collection includes both travel and regular mobile scooter options so that you can get the functionality you need at the prices you deserve. Enhance Mobility’s products rank among the best in the industry for their ability to provide maximum mobility to their customers.

Their full line includes the Transformer Scooter and other incredible options. With a full list of their specifications listed on their site, Enhance Mobility makes it easy for consumers to choose the product that’s right for them.


The Transformer Video Preview


The Triaxe Sport Video Preview



EV Rider

EV Rider has been in the mobility scooter market since 1996 and offers some of the most powerful mobility scooters available.

Their latest collection of products includes portable, recreational, and luxury scooters for those in need. Designed for all ages, EV Rider provides some of the most budget-friendly options available on the market so that you can get the help you need.

Their portable mobility scooter options, including the Transport, RiderXpress, and Mini Rider, give you the ultimate flexibility in your travels, as you can make sure that you’re mobile no matter where you go.

Those looking for a top-mobility scooter are sure to find a product that fits their needs here.



EWheels offers electric mobility scooter options. Their commitment to quality and innovation has led them to also include some of the best hybrid-powered options available in the mobile scooter market.

EWheels’ full collection includes a wide range of mobility vehicles, including mobility scooters. The company’s focus to restoring an individual’s mobility has led them to creating some of the finest vehicles on the market for those looking for a powered way to get around.

Designed with top functionality and comfort in mind, EWheels helps set the standard in American mobility scooter manufacturing.


The Ewheels EW-36 Video Preview




Afikim has some of the best wheels on the market. What makes Afikim so great is that their products offer the perfect blend of style, functionality, and comfort—helping you get the most out of your experience.

Even better, Afikim keeps their customers in mind by having classic, mid, and full-sized options that are perfect for travel. With scooters that can be folded and disassembled for easy storage, Afikim offers one of the most flexible products on the market.

Afikim’s full line of mobility scooters includes the Afiscooter S4 and the Afiscooter M, two of the most powerful products on the market.

Currently, Afikim offers seven mobility scooters than include products designed to offer the best maneuverability and control in all weather conditions.


Unlike the other options listed, SmartScoot is designed specifically for those leading an active lifestyle who are looking for a lightweight and portable scooter. SmartScoot provides some of the best portable scooters on the market, with foldable options that make them great for travel.

If you’re looking for a portable scooter option, make SmartScoot one of your top choices. Because they specialize only in this field, you’re sure to find only the highest quality of portable mobility scooter products.

Reasonably-priced, SmartScoot’s products can keep you on the go so that you never have to miss a beat of the active lifestyle you’ve come to know and love. SmartScoot boasts an incredible 12-mile range and one-hour charging time, meaning that you can enjoy newfound freedom and flexibility in your travels.


Drive Medical

Drive Medical offers some of the finest products on the market. Just take a look at their Cobra GT4, their latest in a line of high-end power mobility scooters. This cutting-edge device offers the best in scooter functionality, and like all Drive Medical products, boasts a stylish modern design.

Drive Medical’s full line of products includes swivel-seat and other customizable options that make their products some of the easiest to use.


The Bottom Line

Choosing the mobility scooter that’s best for you isn’t a task that you should do lightly. Making sure that you select an option that is suitable for your personal needs can help ensure that you get the most out of the product.
The truth is that there’s no set mobility scooter for everyone. Instead, you’ll have to carefully analyze your personal needs and desires in order to find the product that’s right for you.

If you’re not sure where to begin, consider the nine questions listed above to help get you pointed in the right direction. Once you’re sure that you have a handle on both your mobility scooter needs and wants, you’ll be better able to find a product that provides you maximum mobility and convenience.

By choosing a product from one of the seven brands listed above, you can be sure that you’re getting the best the mobile scooter market has to offer.

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